Use the Power of the Sun to Vent Your Home with the Touch of a Button
Powered by the sun, this is the ultimate skylight! Installing a solar-powered opening skylight is a perfect way to introduce natural light and venting with the touch of a button on a modern touch screen remote. This skylight is an ideal option for the places in your home that could use a little extra light or fresh air, especially bathrooms, kitchen and living rooms.
These skylights use the power of the sun to open and close. There is a small solar panel located on the exterior of the skylight to capture sunlight and charge a small battery. Even on days that are cloudy, the solar panel is able to charge. These skylights are a great option for these reasons:
They eliminate the need for an electrician
They’re quipped with rain sensors and bug screens
They’re available in common sizes
Solar-powered blinds are also available! Contact D & R Skylight Installations today to get started on the process of installing your skylight.